Monday, July 02, 2007

Food Sovereignty

Last week I went to a "Food Sovereignty" meeting at our Adelaide Friends of the Earth Association. It was absolutely inspiring and I have come away with much on my mind.

What is Food Sovereignty? I hear you ask. It is just one of THE most important global and local issue in our world at present. Interconnected with Global Warming and the Peak Oil crisis. Just click on the FS Title at the top of this blurb and follow the link - it explain it far better than I can - I have included a little extract below:

What is Food Sovereignty ?
Food Sovereignty is the RIGHT of peoples, communities, and countries to define their own agricultural, labour, fishing, food and land policies which are ecologically, socially, economically and culturally appropriate to their unique circumstances. It includes the true right to food and to produce food, which means that all people have the right to safe, nutritious and culturally appropriate food and to food-producing resources and the ability to sustain themselves and their societies.

Why is food Sovereignty important? This link has a small explanation of why -

My friend Joel who attended a FS meeting in Mali, Africa last month has a terrific explanation - I will download it once I can find it online.

For now the question is what will you do locally about food sovereignty. More on that latter.

Love Stephanie