This weekend we celebrated the first weekend of spring in a big way.
Mother nature really orchestrated a perfect setting for us to get the real spring feeling with a warm sunny day with a cool gentle breeze to make sure we didnt get too hot while we worked in the garden.
It is tradition in our family to have a bbq to celebrate the beginning of spring and so Saturday night David took Jordan under his wing and offered him his first initiation to manhood - learning the reverence for the bbq tongs. A serious matter, that Jordan showed a natural aptitude in.
Sunday, David and I got up early and went for a run/walk together (Im in training for the 5km Christmas frolic in 11 weeks). Once we arrived home I took the plunge on my new diet and tried the egg/coconut oil/butter and cinnamon drink that I am supposed to have for wasnt as bad a I thought it would be, maybe Ill even get used to it. LOL!!
We then all went outside and pulled out the winter weeds in the vege patches so we can plant some spring/summer veges in the warm soil.
Lunch time came and we all headed in to finish off the last of the winter stew that I had been cooking all morning. In the afternoon David helped Luke build a bird feeding platform and they both fixed it up in the tree. Last spring they put up a bird box (a very fancy one at that), and we now have some gloriously colourful parrots nesting up there (well atleast they are regular visitors - not sure if there is actually a nest in there yet??).
We all pitched in to make a special dinner for fathers day and sat around on the floor to eat our Indian feast together. Naan bread, dahl and home made samosa's - yum. Of course I couldnt eat any of it as Im currently grain free, so i chowed down on some left over stew.
I am feeling very satisfied with myself, sitting here right now. Winter is such a time of slothfulness and sometimes I forget that it is only a transient time of inactivity. I start to worry that I am sliding into laziness... but every spring the sun comes out and we are all charged with energy and enthusiasm again. Maybe one year I will learn that winter is just too cold for busyness and I will take my cue from the plants and animals to spend that time in contemplation instead of angst, waiting for the natural re-birthing of spring.
The Hyssop Spill
8 years ago