Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Today I am just tired. You know the feeling - you have being going non-stop and then you pause for a moment and thats it - you're asleep standing up. LOL.

Today we had planned another action packed day, but the military coup last night through our plans up in the air. Local friends advised us to stay off the roads - so we just pottered around most of the day, doing washing and shopping for a two day trek we are taking tomorrow.

We are staying in Chaing Mai at the moment. My sister (Anne) lives in Chaing Mai, so we are staying at her house - with her three rambunctious dogs. Anne is in Australia at the moment with her husband, so we are using their truck.

It is quite the getting around on the roads in Chaing Mai. Folks dont stop at stop signs. They proceed through the red lights if there is no traffic coming and drive in the middle of two lanes - so blending in with the locals in our truck has been a hair raising experince. We were commenting that it would be good to have a big sticker on our car that said "Farang (foreigner) on board". LOL.

Yesterday we visited a local temple and were accosted by a couple of monks that were interested in interviewing us for their buddism studies. It was a great experience, and the boys sat there listening quietly for longer than i can ever remember them sitting still for!!

I practiced my broken Thai on them - much to their (and my) delight (when they actually understood me!)

We have been eating at the local food stalls for all our meals. The other morning we had chilli in our breakfast. It was a bit much for me - but Jordan thought it was great.

Anyway, must be off. I will have to fill in all the daily comings and goings, when i have Lukes journal with me - he has been keeping notes everyday - and it is a very detailed account of our trip


1 comment:

Jewl' said...

Sawadee-Ka! My name is Julie or Jewls. I Live in the US but was on a Missions trip in Chang Mai Last Summer. Anne and Sean were our host, who dirrected us to your site. I miss the country alot, glad to know most of everything is going alright. Sounds like fun. I wish I knew Thai that could hold a conversation...anyway, Thanks for sharing your expericance. Later Ya'll. Jewls