Thursday, March 27, 2008

Super mum

I have always loved playing with my boys.

When they were small most of my day was caught up with duplo, crafts, train tracks and visiting the park.

As they have gotten older and their interests somewhat more adventurous I have found it more and more difficult to be anything other than a cheer learder on the sidelines of their activities.

Yesterday I was watching Luke run and jump onto the trampoline, commenting on how clever he was (of course!). Luke was energetically explaining to me just how easy it was to do this particular jump as long as you had a run up, and invited me to give it a go. I had declined his enthusiastic offer, as I always do, but he was quite sure that it was achievable even for an old lady like mum, if I just followed his instructions.

So, to his surprise, I relented and said I would give it ago. I wasnt really sure I could do it but thought it was probably one of those few things that I could join him in that has a relatively small risk of injury.

So I made my run-up, and as I approached the trampoline I leaped, just as he had instructed, right leg out in front, so my foot (having landed on the mat) would help to pull the rest of me up. Well for a second their I thought I was going to make it. I was just starting to feeling smug in my abilities when my toes hit the edge of the bar. The impetus of my run up threw my body up on to the trampoline despite of my flailing arms and wobbling body. Following on behind came my left leg, slamming into the bar and then scraping along the springs for extra effect.

I grabbed my knee and rolled around on the trampoline - my pride well and truly bruised, almost as much as my knee! Luke ran up saying, "I cant believe you did that. I was sure you would pike out at the last minute!!" "Oh great!" I thought, "all that badgering and he didnt even expect me to do it!!"

I hopped down, regaining my composure and dusted off my battered ego, while Luke ran to get the mini trampoline, so that I could "try again" with a spring board this time.

Well I suppose if I were a 12 year old I would try it again, but I am coming up for fourty in a few years, so i declined his enthusiastic offer.

The next 24 hours were spent with two jubilant teens encouraging me to "give it another shot, mum!". I never imagined the can of worms I was opening when I said yes to this little adventure but obviously they are quite proud of their mum dispite my failed impersonation of superman... So, after much badgering I have conceded to give it another shot once my wounds have healed - this time with the mini-tramp. I'll keep you posted.


Kathryn said...

I'm cheering for you too!! Go Stephanie Go!!!!

Anne said...

You're braver than me! Can't wait to hear how round two goes. BTW - tag, you're it. Visit my little bloggy thing, and see what the game is all about.