Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sick Stephanie

Today I am having a lazy - catch up on all my computer work - day.

For the past 3 days I have had a nasty gastro virus that has been going around. Nausea and vomiting, rank up next to child birth on my list of "most painful things in life". I absolutely hate being nauseas.

So after 3 days of rolling around in bed feeling very sorry for myself (because the rest of my house hold are not good at the pity thing) I am having a quite day... while David busily races around and does all the cleaning, shopping, cooking, child care... and repairs some plasterwork that we knocked down during our renovations!!

I must admit i feel a bit guilty. I have missed 2 days of work and have not offered to lift a hand to help around the house.

But i am enjoying today. Feeling a lot better (still cant look at a piece of bread) and happy to be left alone to catch up with all my emails.

I will make up for it tomorrow. Back into the swing of parenting and home duties.

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